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Damen starts operations at Curacao shipyard

Damen starts operations at Curacao shipyard
At the beginning of February Damen Shipyards Groups took over the management of the Curacao Droogdok Maatschappij (CDM) following an agreement made between the Government of Curaçao and Damen Shipyards Group in September last year.

The shipyard location will continue its activities under the name of Damen Shiprepair Curaçao (DSCu), the company said.

The yard is strategically located on the route to the Panama Canal, outside the Hurricane Belt and offers excellent working conditions within a natural bay. As Curaçao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, smooth logistics connections and fast import of required materials are guaranteed. In fact, DSCu is poised to be one of the largest ship repair installations in the Caribbean region.

The yard features two graven docks; one sized 280 x 48 m and the other 193 x 26 m and almost 2 km of quay side. In the coming years Damen plans to invest approximately $40m in a third floating dock and the yard’s infrastructure and equipment.

Damen Shiprepair Curaçao, whose md is Jaap de Lange, is part of the Damen Shiprepair & Conversion group, which currently operates 42 dry docks in 16 shipyards worldwide

Furthermore Damen, together with the Curaçao Government, will invest in training and schooling of local technical personnel, ensuring the development of local skills, further developing the local industry and encouraging employment opportunities in the area.

“The cooperation between Damen, the Curaçao Government, local trade unions and the personnel of the yard has been very pleasant during the period of negotiations and transfer of ownership. We are very much looking forward to continuing this collaboration in the future. It is excellent to see the enthusiasm of all parties to make this yard such a success,” said Durk-Jan Nederlof, group director Damen Shiprepair & Conversion.