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NYK to put more Japanese seafarers on ships

NYK to put more Japanese seafarers on ships
NYK is set to launch a new employment scheme for Japanese seafarers, which will begin either in April or October of next year.

The new policy, "in which Japanese seafarers will be engaged to work only on vessels and not within NYK’s offices," would not result in a decrease of non-Japanese seafarer training, with foreigners comprising the majority of NYK’s crew members.


In a company statement the group said there was an increased requirement for experienced seafarers with specialist knowledge. “Japanese seafarers have traditionally been well regarded the world over for their teamwork and skills, generally developed through state-of-the-art education and training programs provided at renown maritime education institutions,” the statement read. “Seafarers with specialized knowledge and skills are becoming more needed as NYK becomes more active in its LNG (liquefied natural gas) and offshore businesses.”