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Podcast: Building a new regional shipping player with Folk Maritime CEO Poul HestbaekPodcast: Building a new regional shipping player with Folk Maritime CEO Poul Hestbaek

The CEO of Saudi Arabia’s new shortsea and feeder shipping player Folk Maritime shares the company’s plans to strengthen regional connectivity and spur trade growth.

Gary Howard, Middle East correspondent

August 12, 2024

Folk Maritime is a newcomer to the feeder and shortsea trades but has chosen an experienced leader in container shipping to bring the company’s ambitions to life.

In this episode of the Seatrade Maritime Podcast, Folk Maritime CEO Poul Hestbaek speaks to Seatrade Maritime’s Gary Howard about the company’s expansion plans, and how Saudi Arabia’s backing and Vision 2030 gives Folk a long-term view of shipping in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf.

The conversation covers topics including:

  • Fleet expansion and newbuilding plans

  • Shipping market trends, vessel design, and fuel source

  • The impact of Red Sea diversions on network planning

  • Using technology to improve container shipping efficiency

  • Network expansion and the growth of India-Middle East trade

Read more about:

Saudi Arabia

About the Author

Gary Howard

Middle East correspondent

Gary Howard is the Middle East Correspondent for Seatrade Maritime News and has written for Seatrade Cruise, Seatrade Maritime Review and was News Editor at Lloyd’s List. Gary’s maritime career started after catching the shipping bug during a research assignment for the offshore industry. Working out of Seatrade's head office in the UK, he also produces and contributes to conference programmes for Seatrade events including CMA Shipping, Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East and Marintec. 

Gary’s favourite topics within the maritime industry are decarbonisation and wind-assisted propulsion; he particularly enjoys reporting from industry events.

Conferences & Webinars

Gary Howard regularly moderates at international maritime events. Below you’ll find a list of selected past conferences and webinars.

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