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Swire Shipping, AAL enhance Asia-Australia multipurpose liner serviceSwire Shipping, AAL enhance Asia-Australia multipurpose liner service

Swire Shipping and AAL have entered into a space sharing agreement to boost their North Asia to Australia and Papua New Guinea service that will start on 14 December.

Lee Hong Liang, Asia Correspondent

December 7, 2015

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The service will see Swire Shipping deploy two new S-Class multipurpose vessels of 30,000 dwt each, while AAL will deploy two A-Class heavylift vessels. The two carriers will remain independent with separate commercial and operations functions.

Port rotations will be optimised with calls in all the key Asian and Australian ports. The load ports are Tianjin, Qingdao and Shanghai in China; Incheon and Busan in South Korea; Kaohsiung in Taiwan; Phu My in Vietnam. Destination ports are Brisbane, Newcastle, Melbourne, Geelong and Bell Bay in Australia.

Additional ports including Dalian, Kobe, Townsville, Mackay and Portland are available on inducement.

AAL pointed out that the shortened voyages and focused port selection will improve transit times on individual voyages. Sailing frequency is set to improve from a number of key ports, such as Shanghai, Busan and Kaohsiung, from 30 days to 20 days.

About the Author

Lee Hong Liang

Asia Correspondent

Singapore-based Lee Hong Liang provides a significant boost to daily coverage of the Asian shipping markets, as well as bringing with him an in-depth specialist knowledge of the bunkering markets.

Throughout Hong Liang’s 14-year career as a maritime journalist, he has reported ‘live’ news from conferences, conducted one-on-one interviews with top officials, and had the ability to write hard news and featured stories.


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