Transpacific box capacity slated for ‘unprecedented’ increase in Golden Week periodTranspacific box capacity slated for ‘unprecedented’ increase in Golden Week period
Container shipping’s transpacific trade is seeing an “unprecedented” increase in capacity during the Golden Week period, according to analyst Sea-Intelligence.

Alan Murphy, ceo of Sea-Intelligence, noted there was a “startling difference” in the offered capacity for the week 40-43 Golden Week period based on what was announced in week 37 (7 September) and in week 40 (28 September).
On the Asia-North America West Coast, based on the schedules published in week 37, capacity in weeks 40-43 is slated to be up by 9.5% year-on-year, while based on the latest schedules published in week 40, capacity is slated to be up by a staggering 26.6%. This corresponds to a reduction in blanked capacity from 8.7% to 3.9%.
On the Asia-North America East Coast, offered capacity is expected to be up by 30.2% year-on-year, rising from 12.1% that was scheduled in week 37. This will reduce blanked capacity from 10.2% to 3%.
Looking at the Asia-Europe trade, the difference was “relatively smaller but still significant”, Murphy noted.
The offered capacity in week 40-43 on Asia-North Europe is now up from 5.8% year-on-year to 13.8% based on the week 40 schedules, and the Golden Week period capacity reduction now slated to be 18.9% instead of 23.1%.
“On Asia-Mediterranean, offered capacity was slated to contract by 1.4% year-on-year based on schedules published in week 37, but is now slated to grow by 6.5%. In terms of capacity reductions, 19.6% is now slated to be removed instead of 20.8% as scheduled in week 37,” Murphy said.
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