Podcast: In Conversation with Tan Beng Tee on International Women’s DayPodcast: In Conversation with Tan Beng Tee on International Women’s Day
In this special In Conversation episode of the Maritime Podcast for International Women’s Day we sat down with one of the most prominent women in Singapore shipping Tan Beng Tee, Executive Director of the Singapore Maritime Foundation, to hear about her career in maritime and what more can be done to improve diversity in the industry.
Speaking to Seatrade Maritime News Editor, Marcus Hand, Beng Tee tells the listener how she started working in maritime as part of the government service, growing from working in trade facilitation, to an instrumental role in growing Singapore into a leading global maritime centre.
She talks about meeting and building lasting relationships with some of the world’s leading shipowners and leaders, and over coming the hurdles of an “old boys network”.
The podcast also focuses on how today in her role at SMF is encouraging and mentoring more women to take up careers in the maritime sector, and her passion to see Singapore’s place in the industry to continue to thrive.
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