Seafarer shortage – rising wages and fake CVsSeafarer shortage – rising wages and fake CVs
A shortage of seafarers is driving up wages and the number of fake CVs and qualifications, according to Danica Crewing Specialists.

The availability of seafarers is under pressure due to the Ukrainian conflict, sanctions on Russia, and Covid restrictions in China.
“On top of the fall-out from the Ukrainian situation, we have Russian seafarers subject to visa restrictions and travel limitations, and new coronavirus outbreaks in China which have halted many Chinese crews from joining ships. Together, all this is reducing the global availability of crews and causing a recruitment and manning crisis without precedence,” said Henrik Jensen, CEO of Danica Crewing.
China has had lockdowns in major ports such as Shanghai, while ship managers have told Seatrade Maritime News that some owners are asking for Russian seafarers to be replaced as they do not want to be seen doing business with Russia.
The shortage is, unsurprisingly, driving up wage costs. “We are seeing increases in remuneration across all ranks and vessel types. For some ranks these have been very steep rises indeed,” Jensen said.
The shortage of seafarers is also sees some faking qualifications and CVs to try and gain positions they are not qualified for.
“This shortage of crew encourages some applicants to ‘upgrade’ their CV by claiming fake sea service in a higher rank – and even print fake sea records and stamps in their seaman’s book, hoping they can cheat a desperate employer into accepting them without proper checks in order to just get a vacancy covered,” he said.
According to Jensen this behaviour is not specific to any nationality of seafarer and has been seen across the board.
Henrik Jensen is speaking at the Global Maritime Club Summit on 9 June during Posidonia 2022. Click here to find out more.
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