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China Shipping Development to demolish 10 elderly bulkersChina Shipping Development to demolish 10 elderly bulkers

China Shipping Development Co (CSDC) will send 10 elderly dry bulk carriers to the scrapyard ahead of their operational lifespan.

Lee Hong Liang, Asia Correspondent

January 16, 2015

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The 10 bulkers have an average age of 20.6 years and a combined capacity of 387,000 dwt, accounting for 2.2% of CSDC’s total fleet capacity.

The Shanghai and Hong Kong-listed shipowner said the vessels to be disposed of have been valued at around RMB590m ($95.1m) in total.

“The disposal of the 10 bulkers ahead of their operational lifespan will not have a major impact on the group’s operations,” CSDC said.

The disposal of old tonnages is in line with the company’s ongoing efforts to renew its fleet.

About the Author

Lee Hong Liang

Asia Correspondent

Singapore-based Lee Hong Liang provides a significant boost to daily coverage of the Asian shipping markets, as well as bringing with him an in-depth specialist knowledge of the bunkering markets.

Throughout Hong Liang’s 14-year career as a maritime journalist, he has reported ‘live’ news from conferences, conducted one-on-one interviews with top officials, and had the ability to write hard news and featured stories.


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