Decarbonisation will be a license to tradeDecarbonisation will be a license to trade
Anthony Teo, Head of Americas, Rightship talks about greening the shipping industry and the first steps towards a zero carbon future.
October 28, 2021
Seatrade Maritime News: What are the biggest challenges for decarbonisation of the maritime industry?
I think most of the stakeholders here in the conference, I think they are challenged by the technology as well as how do they go from here to decarbonize and meet the IMO goals? It's quite a confusing area to navigate. What we hope to see is that there'll be more transparency in all the measurements to help the stakeholders navigate through and have a transparent platform, as well as a clear path towards decarbonisation.
Seatrade Maritime News: What will be the costs to the industry for not doing enough to decarbonise?
The climate will, temperature will rise, and there will not be any future for the children. It's on everybody's mind right now. It's going to be the license to trade to decarbonize. So you know, it's inevitable.
Seatrade Maritime News: What are you doing at Rightship to facilitate shipping's transition to a zero carbon future?
One of the things that we specialize in is carbon accounting. What our stakeholders want us to do is to help them create a baseline in terms of carbon accounting. And that's very critical, I would say a starting point, because they need to have a benchmark or a baseline. From there, they can report to their stakeholders, ie to the board or their customers, that they are doing something positive to decarbonize. And we want to have a transparent process. And it's, it's critical in that in that sense.
Seatrade Maritime News: Would you say the industry is on track to hit the IMO targets and perhaps more importantly to help the world reach the bigger goals of Paris MoU?
It's a it's a very interesting question you're asking and it's not easy to answer, because we are at the starting point of everything right now. I think what the stakeholders here today are trying to do is to try their best, but they need help, and they need partnership to go forward. Hopefully, from this conference, we can harness synergies especially after one and a half years of being locked up at home. I think this is a very good opportunity for us to meet in person and basically ask the right questions and create the partnership from here.
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