Saudi Aramco ports to impose ballast water sample initiativeSaudi Aramco ports to impose ballast water sample initiative
Marine logistics services provider Inchape Shipping Services (ISS) has advised that all ships from international waters will be required to provide a ballast water sample and report when calling at Saudi Aramco ports and terminals starting 16 August.

In a note to its customers, ISS said the new initiative is aimed at ensuring all ships comply with the requirements of IMO's Ballast Water Management convention, which has been ratified by Saudi Arabia. The convention will be internationally enforced by 8 September 2017.
“This new initiative will be implemented from Wednesday 16 August 2017 and should be arranged through the vessels local shipping agent,” ISS said in its note.
“All ships should provide a printed version of their ballast water sample report, via their local agent, to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD). The report should be submitted with a completed version of the latest Saudi Aramco 'Ballast Water Sampling Form' during any visit to Saudi Aramco ports or terminals from 16 August,” ISS said.
The ship owner/operator should arrange for an indicative sampling test to be taken onboard and by a third party surveyor, who will take three representative samples from the top, middle and bottom of one tank.
“Whilst Saudi Aramco is keen to ensure ships conduct ballast water exchange or, where applicable, treatment, test results will not impact a ship’s operation during their first visit after 16 August. However, ships that cannot show that exchange or treatment was carried out will be flagged for more stringent inspection during their next visit. If necessary, further measures will be taken against violating ships,” ISS explained.
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