UASC exempted from FMC controlled carrier list
The US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has granted United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) exemption from its “controlled carriers” list, it was placed under after Qatar-government took majority control of the line.
June 25, 2015
The list is designed to stop price-fixing amongst state-owned shipping lines. Listed lines must notify FMC before changing their shipping tariffs and wait a month before altering them, on top of normal filing rules for shipping lines sailing into the US.
The FMC unamiously granted the expemtion which UASC lodged a petition for last year.
FMC comissioner William Doyle commented: "United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) is an industry leader and a pioneer of sorts in international shipping.
"I am increasingly impressed with their transparent communications that informs the shipping public of changes to their sailing schedule and their environmental stewardship."
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