Maritime Anti-Piracy, The Captain’s Guide BookMaritime Anti-Piracy, The Captain’s Guide Book
Maritime Anti-Piracy, The Captain’s Guide Book
April 17, 2013

The fight against global piracy is as old as the seas themselves. Recent years have seen huge increases in pirate attacks against commercial shipping and, while the risk of piracy off East Africa is now believed to be somewhat diminished, the threat remains in the region and the cost to the global economy has been estimated to be as much as $6 billion by Oceans Beyond Piracy in their 2012 report. Piracy in West Africa and the South China Sea, meanwhile, is very much on the increase.
Protecting your vessel against piracy and correctly identifying the piracy threat is key to safeguarding your ship and crew. Maritime Anti-Piracy, The Captain’s Guide Book, published by IMAAG aims to simplify the process.
Written by Peter King, a former Royal Marine and member of the UK’s Special Boat Service, this book provides not only a history of piracy worldwide, but also practical methods designed to protect mariners from the threat of piracy. Mr King, a Team Leader with respected maritime security company, Neptune Maritime Security, has transited the world’s High Risk Areas and brings a wealth of knowledge to his subject.
With a foreword by Admiral The Lord Boyce GCE OBE DL, the book begins with a brief history and modern piracy and then features fully illustrated chapters of direct use to all mariners.
The 380pp hardback contains sections on:
• Preventative measures and ship hardening
• Safe havens, safe areas and citadels
• Maritime law
• Pirate tactics and methods of boarding
• Open ended super yachts and similar vessels
• Passive defence methods
Well written and informative, full of statistics and full colour photos, Maritime Anti-Piracy, The Captain’s Guide Book is indispensible for any Master or mariner due to transit a High Risk Area, or for anyone interested in piracy.
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