Meridian Global's counter piracy teams to operate aboard Panama-flag vesselsMeridian Global's counter piracy teams to operate aboard Panama-flag vessels
Meridian Global’s counter-piracy teams may now operate aboard vessels flying the Panama flag, following an arduous vetting process that validated the quality of the US-based private maritime security company (PMSC).

The Resolution was issued on 12 May by the Panama Maritime Authority, which administers the world’s largest flag State. The vetting process included scrutiny of Meridian’s reputation, financial stability, training standards, firearms handling accountability, corporate structure and proof of ISO 9001:2008 certification.
In addition to Panama, Meridian also operates aboard vessels flying many other major flags, including the Republics of Liberia and the Marshall Islands and the United States of America.
“Meridian’s PCASP teams comprised of combat tested US Marine Corps veterans look forward to operating aboard Panama flagged vessels,” said Meridian ceo Jonathan McConnell. “We are gratified that the Panama Maritime Authority recognised the quality exhibited by our company.”
McConnell and his senior staff had the occasion to discuss counter-piracy operations recently with Fernando Solorzano, director general of Panama’s Merchant Marine and head of the Panama Ship Registry, during meetings both in Panama and during the recent Sea Asia conference in Singapore, where many vessel owners and operators whose vessels fly the Panama flag were in attendance.
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