Höegh Osaka grounded delibrately due to severe listHöegh Osaka grounded delibrately due to severe list
The car carrier Höegh Osaka was grounded deliberately outside the Port of Southampton on Saturday after developing a severe list.

In a statement, Ingar Skiaker, ceo of Höegh Autoliners said: “Our vessel developed a severe list shortly after she left port and the pilot and the master took the decision to save the vessel and its crew by grounding her on the bank. This showed great skill and seamanship on behalf of our crew when faced with such challenging circumstances.”
The Höegh Osaka remains grounded on Bramble Bank at over a 50 degree list and according to the company two crew were slightly injured. The Singapore-registered vessel with a capacity of 5,400 ceu was a third full at the time of the incident.
The cause of the accident is unknown and under investigation.
“At this stage it is too early to speculate on the cause of the list but we are starting an immediate investigation. Right now we have serious work ahead of us in order to free the vessel from the Bramble Bank without disrupting the flow of traffic in and out of the Port of Southampton,” Skiaker said.
Höegh has appointed Switzer for the salvage operation.
“The vessel is currently considered stable, and we are closely working with our appointed salvors Svitzer, who in turn, are working alongside Hugh Shaw, the Secretary of State’s Representative in Maritime Salvage and Intervention, as well as the Port of Southampton, to prepare for a safe and successful salvage of the vessel with minimal disruption to the port and it environment,” he added.
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