Due to the current pandemic situation worldwide, the engineer from the head office in Germany, was unable to attend in person.
Cameras were installed on site, daily meetings were held to discuss the pending tasks, and the new Remote Service tool was ready for its first crane assembly. The new Remote Service App from Liebherr was indispensable in this case. Audio and video calls, a chat function, screen sharing, image and document exchange, as well as whiteboarding functions are some of the features that have been integrated in the tool.
These enable real-time, fast and effective support from experts and made the handover of the LHM possible. Thanks to the high level of cooperation Liebherr could hand over the new LHM 420 to Euroamérica S.A. despite the current challenging global situation. Everything went according to plan and could be completed within the time frame.
“From my side, I can tell you that this commissioning job has been a great experience and a great challenge for us, and we are pleased to deliver the Two Firsts for Liebherr Maritime Cranes 2/3 crane to the customer according to the initial schedule and without any trouble. The Remote Service Tool certainly contributed to this,” said Liebhrerr Argentina engineer Benoit Cibert.
Due to the current pandemic situation worldwide, Liebherr has accelerated the market launch of Remote Service in terms of an extended test phase. This means all Liebherr customers with maritime cranes, deep foundation equipment and crawler cranes up to capacities of 300 tonnes can now use the Remote Service App free of charge until the end of 2020. A laptop, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection are all that are needed.
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