Illegal anchoring in Indonesian waters warning – 10 vessels detained this yearIllegal anchoring in Indonesian waters warning – 10 vessels detained this year
Singapore’s Information Fusion Centre (IFC) has highlighted the detention of 10 vessels for illegal anchoring in Indonesia waters in the first seven months of the year.

The IFC has issued an advisory to shipping over vessels anchoring in the waters off Tanjung Berakit in areas at the eastern approach of the Singapore Strait. It said that enforcement efforts by the Indonesian authorities had resulted in five tankers and five cargo vessels being detained between January and July 2022.
It said that based on findings by local authorities the illegal anchoring incidents resulted from a limited understanding of the archipelagic baselines of Indonesia and that the boundary areas of the anchorages are either not marked on navigational charts used by ships or the scales were incorrect.
Prior to anchoring in the waters of Tanjung Berakit IFC advised vessels obtain information on the anchorage areas; appoint a local agent and get permission from the port authority; and comply with local laws and information. The advisory included the chart below of designated anchorage areas:
The issue is not a new one and for a number of years Indonesian authorities have detained vessels for anchoring illegally but since 2021 enforcement has grown greater by the Indonesian Navy in the areas near Batam and Bintan Islands close to the Singapore Strait.
The detention of vessels was highlighted by P&I Club Gard in a circular in September 2021, which was updated on 22 April this year quoting local correspondents Spica. Similar to the latest IFC advisory Gard highlighted a lack of understanding of archipelagic baselines and the lack or incorrect markings of anchorages on navigational charts.
“Even where marked on electronic charts, zooming in or out to inappropriate scales can affect the display such information,” Gard said.
You can read the full Gard circular here
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