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Panama simplifies ship registration with single platformPanama simplifies ship registration with single platform

The Panama Ship Registry is to simply ship registration combining existing systems in a single platform – the Electronic Ship Registration System (ESRS).

Michele Labrut, Americas Correspondent

September 13, 2019

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The ESRS platform combines the present systems used by Panama Maritime Authority’s General Directorate of Merchant Marine (Ship Registry) and General Directorate of Public Property registry of Ships (ownership titles and mortgage registration).

“The integration in a single platform will facilitate the procedure for the user, which is our prime goal,” said Rafael Cigarruista, Director of Merchant Marine and head of the Panama Ship Registry.

The main features of the registration, such as certificate of ship registration, cancellations, mortgage registration, ships and radios licenses, property and encumbrances certificates and discounts, name reservation and general documents for the vessel, will continue to be available on the platform.

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) is calling an international tender before end-2019/first quarter of 2020 for companies interested in providing the software. “The implementation will take place in phases and should be fully operational by end-2020,” added Cigarruista.

“The users, shipowners, operators, managers, banks and/or law firms, will be able to use the platform directly. At the end, they will deal with only one system. The PKI system, used to date only by lawyers, will be integrated. The platform will be versatile in different languages. This new system will position us in the global era,” said the head of Panama’s Ship Registry.

The ESRS will offer Electronic Signature: All documents will be signed electronically; this functionality involves an agreement with the Public Registry of Panama and its General Directorate of Electronic Signature. Electronic Registration Certificates (ship patent, radio licenses et al) using QR and/or bar code, will be accessible for printing.

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panama ship registry

About the Author

Michele Labrut

Americas Correspondent

Michèle Labrut is a long-time Panama resident, a journalist and correspondent, and has continuously covered the maritime sector of Central & Latin America.

Michèle first came to Panama as a press attaché to the French Embassy and then returned to the isthmus as a foreign correspondent in the 1980s.

Author of Seatrade Maritime's annual Panama Maritime Review magazine and of several books, Michèle also wrote for Time magazine, The Miami Herald, NBC News and the Economist Intelligence Unit. She has also collaborated in making several documentaries for the BBC and European and U.S. television networks.

Michèle's profession necessitates a profound knowledge of the country, but her acumen is not from necessity alone, but a genuine passion for Panama.

In 2012 she was awarded the Order of Merit (Knight grade) by the French Government for her services to international journalism and in 2021 the upgrade to Chevalier grade.

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