INFOGRAPHIC: Less than 44% of shipping companies have cyber security plansINFOGRAPHIC: Less than 44% of shipping companies have cyber security plans
Cyber Security is one of the hottest topics in shipping at present yet just 43.75% of maritime businesses have a plan in place to tackle the issue.

A survey by Sea Asia of ceo’s, chairman and directors of maritime and offshore companies found that while 90.63% thought more should be done to prevent cyber attacks, less than half that number - just 43.75% - had prevention and contingency plans in place.
Although less than 44% have cyber security plans in place some 93.75% of those surveyed believed more cooperation between government and industry was needed to prevent and identify cyber attacks.
Cyber security will be a key for discussion at the 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Threat or Opportunity? The implications of SMART shipping and other new technologies for the future of shipping' conference session at Sea Asia 2017 held in Singapore 25 - 27 April. For more details and how to register please visit
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