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BIO UV Group launches new range of BWT systemsBIO UV Group launches new range of BWT systems

French ballast water system manufacturer, BIO UV, has unveiled a new design of its ultraviolet technology BIO-SEA system using the same technology as earlier versions but with a range of design improvements.

Paul Bartlett, Correspondent

July 1, 2021

1 Min Read
BIO SEA UV Retrofit M02 2
Photo: BIO-SEA

The new M-Series has a wide range of flow rates up to 2,100 m3/h but has fewer ultraviolet lamps and a smaller footprint. It is available in skid-mounted form for newbuildings, but also comes in modular form for retrofit installations where space may be at a premium.

The system can process waters of high turbidity by automatically increasing power and reducing flow rate without manual intervention, the company said. This ensures that the system always operates effectively in waters with different characteristics. The M-Series’ holding time is also shorter than any of its competitors and has been approved by all major classification societies.

BIO-SEA Business Director, Xavier Deval, commented: “This is a huge development in ballast water treatment. With the M-Series, we see a significant benefit in terms of size, capacity, and installation simplicity. A manifold-free design allows shipowners to optimise installation time and costs dramatically, while keeping the number of reactors to an absolute minimum; only one or two depending on the required flow rate.”

Speaking at an online press conference this week, founder, president and CEO, Benoit Gillmann, said that the company estimates as many as 35,000 ballast water systems may be required between now and September 2024, the cut-off date for new installations. Careful preparation by owners and operators would be essential, he warned, while ship repair capacity could come under pressure.

Related:New alliance could ease shiprepair squeeze on ballast water installations

Read more about:

Ballast Water

About the Author

Paul Bartlett


UK-based Paul Bartlett is a maritime journalist and consultant with over four decades of experience in international shipping, including ship leasing, project finance and financial due diligence procedures.

Paul is a former Editor of Seatrade magazine, which later became Seatrade Maritime Review, and has contributed to a range of Seatrade publications over the years including Seatrade’s Green Guide, a publication investigating early developments in maritime sustainability initiatives, and Middle East Workboats and Offshore Marine, focusing on the vibrant market for such vessels across that region.

In 2002, Paul set up PB Marine Consulting Ltd and has worked on a variety of consultancy projects during the last two decades. He has also contributed regular articles on the maritime sector for a range of shipping publications and online services in Europe, Asia, and the US.

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