Celebrating the top ICS students in SingaporeCelebrating the top ICS students in Singapore
Last week executives from the Singapore shipping community gathered to celebrate the prize winners for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) examinations.

The annual awards ceremony and reception was held at the Tanglin Club after a two-year enforced break due to the pandemic.
Speaking to attendees Capt Subhangshu Dutt, Chairman of ICS – Singapore branch, put the events of the last two years into a wider historical perspective. “So, the Institute is 120 years old now. And it has witnessed two world wars, a few pandemics, blockades, trade embargoes, sanctions, calm winds, moderate weather, severe storms, but always emerged unscathed.”
Guest-of-Honour for the occasion was Quah Ley Hoon, Chief Executive of the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), who stressed the importance of developing maritime talent and the key role that ICS plays in this.
The institute covers not just shipbroking, but all aspects of shipping, with awards presented for 16 different categories, as well as best overall student.
Introduction to Shipping
Winner: Chay Fook Cheun
Shipping Business
Winner: Capt Jayakumar Sankaran, MICS
Legal Principles in Shipping Business
Winner: Esther Eng Cai Yun
Dry Cargo Chartering
Winner: Tiffany Aw
Ship Operations & Management
Winner: Lim Ming Lian (winner unable to attend)
Ship Sale & Purchase
Winner: Tan Heng Shoon, MICS
Tanker Chartering
Winner: Victor Wang Kian Seng, MICS
Liner Trades
Winner: Gurpreet Singh
Port Agency
Winner: Marcus Poh Ming Wai, MICS
Logistics & Multi-modal Transport
Winner: Joel Toh
Port & Terminal Management
Winner: Damien Tng (Winner unable to attend)
Offshore Support Industry
Winner: Harshal Kolambe, MICS
Economics of Sea Transport & International Trade
Winner: Sriram Krisnaswami, MICS
Shipping Law
Winner: Kenneth Lim Jia Yang
Marine Insurance
Winner: Xia Chen (Winner unable to attend)
Shipping Finance
Winner: Eric Cheang, MICS
Best Overall Student
Winner: Chay Fook Chuen
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