Elpi Petraki elected as new WISTA PresidentElpi Petraki elected as new WISTA President
Elpi Petraki has been elected as the new President of WISTA International (Women's International Shipping and Trading Association).

Petraki from WISTA Hellas, and also Operations, Chartering & Business Development Manager at ENEA Management, was elected on 26 October at WISTA’s Agm in Geneva.
The nominees for the position of President were Petraki and Alexandra Anagnostis-Irons, WISTA USA.
Commenting on her election Petraki said: "I am truly honoured to have been elected as President of WISTA International. Diversity and inclusion in maritime have never been in the spotlight like today and whilst much has been achieved in recent times, there is still a great deal to be done. WISTA International has a powerful voice that must be heard, continuing to raise awareness for the incredible contribution women make to the industry.”
She said she looked forward to working with WISTA’s 56 national associations on issues such as decarbonisation, digitalisation and attracting new talent and providing equal and equitable opportunities for all.
Find out more about what Elpi thinks about major maritime issues in a recent episode of the Seatrade Maritime Podcast.
Outgoing WISTA Despina Theodosiou, said: "After five years, the time has come for me to hang up my hat as President of WISTA International. First, I'd like to say a huge thank you to the other members of the WISTA International Executive Committee, who have provided a tremendous amount of support over the years. Secondly, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to the Presidents of the 56 National WISTA Associations for entrusting me to continue to deliver WISTA's mission. It has been a pleasure to work with you all.”
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