Korean Register opens new ICT CenterKorean Register opens new ICT Center
Classification society Korean Register (KR) has opened a new ICT (information communications technology) Center to enhance the developnent of advanced technology applications across the maritime and ship classification industries.

KR said the new high-tech facility has been launched in response to demand from the Korean shipbuilding and marine transport industries, keen to be more competitive in a challenging market.
The facility also seeks to address the fact that advanced onshore technologies have been difficult to adapt for maritime applications, because of the poor communication environment at sea and unique attributes of ships.
Lee Jeong-Kie, chairman and ceo of KR, said: “The launch of KR’s new ICT Center supports the Korean government’s SMART-Navigation project.
“Our specialist resources, expert skills and industry knowledge will accelerate the application of advanced technology to improve operational efficiency, dramatically reduce human error and help the industry to manage risk better. It will help us to deliver high quality expert ICT services tailored to the business needs of our customers, which will in turn then benefit the industry and the IMO’s e-Navigation strategy,” Lee said.
In line with the IMO’s e-Navigation strategy, the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries launched a SMART-Navigation project last year, which will run from 2016-2020 with a budget of $114m.
As a member of the SMART-Navigation project team, KR is conducting research and development into leading technologies as a basis for new international maritime standards.
For a start, KR’s new ICT Center is working to develop new advanced technologies for maritime Big Data, e-Navigation, ship cyber security and software quality assurance.
The facility is also developing new software test standards in line with ISO25000, to verify the quality of IT software, with naked eye and functional tests no longer being adequate.
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