MOL operated bulker newbuilding fitted with ultra-tough hull-platingMOL operated bulker newbuilding fitted with ultra-tough hull-plating
Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) has installed new highly-ductile steel plating on a new bulk carrier it is operating, capable of absorbing three times the impact of conventional steel.
August 14, 2014

Launched on 2 August, the 206,000 dwt bulk carrier was built at Imabari Shipbuilding’s Saijo Shipyard, and was fitted with 3,000 tons NSafe hull plating installed, chiefly along the sides of the vessel.
Developed by Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation, MOL claims NSafe Hull offers superior puncture and crack resistance, and protects the cargo holds and fuel tanks in order to prevent flooding as well as oil leakage.
“MOL forges ahead to become the world leader in safe operation, and continually takes a proactive stance in adoption of technologies that contribute to safer, more reliable ocean transport,” the company said in a press statement.
The move is part of what is expected to be a general improvement in the safety of bulk carriers and other vessels classed under MOL’s main classification society ClassNK, after it released new Harmonised Common-Structural-Rules compliant design software for tankers and bulkers in January.
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