PIL Singapore's largest shipowner by valuePIL Singapore's largest shipowner by value
Singapore’s largest owner by fleet value is Pacific International Lines (PIL) according to VesselsValue.com.

According to VesselsValue’s senior data editor Craig Jallal, PIL has fleet of 138 vessels and newbuildings on order worth $3.39bn. In value terms the second largest Singapore fleet belongs Eastern Pacific Shipping with 80 vessels worth $3.13bn.
The Singapore owned fleet is mainly composed of bulkers and tankers, accounting for 47% and 44% of the fleet respectively.
In an unusual measure VesselsValue found that Singapore had the highest value fleet per capita. With 1,968 vessels valued at $35.4bn the per capita value for Singapore’s shipping fleet is $8,247 per person. The city state has a population of around 5.1m.
The next country in terms of per capita value is Norway with $5,840 per person, while the world’s largest shipowning nation, Greece, its fleet is valued at $1,105 per head.
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