Stricken Höegh Osaka towed to holding positionStricken Höegh Osaka towed to holding position
The stricken car carrier Höegh Osaka has been towed to a holding position in the Solent two miles east of where the vessel was deliberately beached on Saturday after developing a severe list.

The vessel unexpectedly self-floated on Wednesday afternoon and was then towed to the new position where a 300 m exclusion zone has established around the vessel. The UK’s Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) said the list of the vessel remained unchanged.
At the holding position a full assessment of the ship’s condition will be carried out by salvors.
“Disruption to the Port of Southampton is minimal; there will be a slight restriction in traffic movements until the Hoëgh Osaka is clear of the main channel, but no closure of the port is anticipated,” MCA said.
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