Transpacific box lines plan Lunar New Year rate increase, surchargeTranspacific box lines plan Lunar New Year rate increase, surcharge
Ahead of plans by the Transpacific Stablisation Agreement to drop general rate increases (GRIs) for 2015 – 16 contracting, they have become almost a monthly event on the Asia – US trade.

Following a $1,000 per feu increase in mid-December member lines of the TSA have lined up a $600 per feu hike on 15 January 2015 and $400 per peak season surcharge in the run up to the Lunar New Year.
However, previous increases would appear to have little impact on the health of the market. “It is critical, after another year of only very slight net gains at best, that carriers shore up rate levels and hold the line on rising costs as we head into a new contracting season and ramp up to meet Lunar New Year seasonal demand,” Brian Conrad TSA administrator said.
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