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Changhong yard launches 250,000 dwt bulkerChanghong yard launches 250,000 dwt bulker

China’s Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard has on Wednesday launched a 250,000-dwt bulk carrier, concluding a 14-month job.

Lee Hong Liang, Asia Correspondent

May 27, 2016

1 Min Read
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The bulker, named Houheng 6, is built with environmentally-friendly features and classed by DNV GL. The ship will be deployed to transport iron ore between China and Australia.

Following the completion of Houheng 6, Changhong currently has four other ships under construction, and has on hand eight 1,000 teu feeder boxships due to start construction in August this year.

The shipbuilder said it remains committed to focus on raising its yard technology, and it has earmarked RMB10m ($1.5m) this year for R&D purposes.


Read more about:

dry bulk shipping

About the Author

Lee Hong Liang

Asia Correspondent

Singapore-based Lee Hong Liang provides a significant boost to daily coverage of the Asian shipping markets, as well as bringing with him an in-depth specialist knowledge of the bunkering markets.

Throughout Hong Liang’s 14-year career as a maritime journalist, he has reported ‘live’ news from conferences, conducted one-on-one interviews with top officials, and had the ability to write hard news and featured stories.


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