Damen in partnership for scrubber repairs and servicingDamen in partnership for scrubber repairs and servicing
Damen Shiprepair Harbour & Voyage (DSHV) has inked a partnership with Verolme Special Equipment for the servicing and repair of scrubber systems.

Thousands of vessels installed exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS), or scrubbers, to comply with the IMO 2020 low sulphur fuel regulation that came into force at the beginning of the year. This results in a potential increase in maintenance, service, modifications and repairs, both in port and underway, according to Jozeph W.D. Quak, managing director of Damen Shiprepair Harbour & Voyage.
“With any new technology, there is always a learning curve, and this is also with the EGCS. There are potential problems due to vibrations in the new added steel structures and related. Additionally, the acidic nature of Sulphur can cause corrosion to the discharge piping, overboard pipes and scrubber system itself,” he said.
“The partnership between Damen Shiprepair Harbour & Voyage and Verolme Special Equipment provides a complete service for all problems that might occur. We can assist our clients anytime and anywhere, to keep vessels sailing without or with very short down-time in case mentioned problems occur and repairs are necessary.”
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