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StormGeo announces carbon footprint dashboard to streamline decarbonisation reportingStormGeo announces carbon footprint dashboard to streamline decarbonisation reporting

StormGeo announces carbon footprint dashboard to streamline decarbonisation reporting

September 6, 2022

2 Min Read
stormgeo CO2 calculator
Image: StormGeo

StromGeo, a leading provider of weather intelligence and decision-support solutions for the shipping industry and part of Alfa Laval, will release a new Carbon Footprint Dashboard to help its customers reduce carbon emissions more effectively. The new dashboard will be the third decarbonization solution released by StormGeo in 2022.

Single Source of Truth
Specifically designed for energy efficiency and decarbonization managers but available to all s-Insight users, StormGeo’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard compiles all relevant data in one place to monitor decarbonization metrics, set carbon intensity targets, and streamline regulatory reporting processes.

“The Carbon Footprint Dashboard provides a single source of all CO2 emissions data. It gives access to the analytics necessary to review the impact of implemented measures, identify corrective actions, and report on carbon intensity alignment with industry trajectories to internal and external stakeholders,” says Madeleine Engelhardt, Product Manager, Fleet Compliance and Technical Performance at StormGeo. “The dashboard helps shipping companies focus on the decarbonization metrics that matter.”

With several pre-configured widgets, the dashboard provides numerous graphs and diagrams to visualize the carbon footprint of all shipping activities. The system calculates and displays various CO2 emission indicators for fleets, vessel subgroups, and individual vessels for each leg of the voyage. These insights will be available to all dashboard users, helping to ensure transparency and improve collaboration on decarbonization initiatives across organizational departments.

Carbon Footprint Dashboard to be Adopted by StormGeo Customers
Many of StormGeo’s customers have already expressed interest in the new Carbon Footprint Dashboard. For example, the German shipping company F.A. VINNEN & CO. will leverage the dashboard to better understand the real operational impact of their actions on carbon emissions.

“StormGeo’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard will help us keep detailed track of how much CO2 our shipping activities emit into the atmosphere and quickly gives us the necessary overview to see whether parts of our fleet aren’t performing as they should,” says Bernd Hein, Managing Director at F.A. VINNEN & CO. “It will enable us to drill down into the data and see how something as small as a single leg of an individual vessel impacts our overall emissions and get the decision-support necessary to correct any issues.”

Available Soon
StormGeo’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard will be released in October 2022 as part of s-Insight, a world-leading fleet performance management solution that ensures vessel compliance and provides simple, trustworthy data reporting systems. The Carbon Footprint Dashboard will be available for all route advisory and fleet performance management customers.

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