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BW LPG declares option to retrofit LPG dual-fuel engines to four more VLGCsBW LPG declares option to retrofit LPG dual-fuel engines to four more VLGCs

BW LPG has declared another option to retrofit four more VLGCs with LPG dual-fuel engines, bringing its total investment to 12 VLGCs with the propulsion technology.

Lee Hong Liang, Asia Correspondent

March 2, 2020

1 Min Read
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The latest announcement follows BW LPG announcing back in August 2018 its initiative to deliver and retrofit four LPG dual-fuel engines in its VLGCs, and the exercising of an option on 10 February 2020 for an additional four dual-fuel engines.

The delivery and retrofitting of these 12 dual-fuel engines into BW LPG’s fleet will start as planned in 2020 and will be completed in the second half of 2021.

“For us, as the world’s largest owner and operator of VLGCs, this means that we invest significant resources and expertise to pioneer technology that can be used to push our industry towards decarbonisation without the need for dedicated newbuilding orders,” said Anders Onarheim, ceo of BW LPG.

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About the Author

Lee Hong Liang

Asia Correspondent

Singapore-based Lee Hong Liang provides a significant boost to daily coverage of the Asian shipping markets, as well as bringing with him an in-depth specialist knowledge of the bunkering markets.

Throughout Hong Liang’s 14-year career as a maritime journalist, he has reported ‘live’ news from conferences, conducted one-on-one interviews with top officials, and had the ability to write hard news and featured stories.


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