BW LPG exercises options for four more LPG dual-fuel engine retrofitsBW LPG exercises options for four more LPG dual-fuel engine retrofits
BW LPG announced on Monday that it has exercised options to retrofit four additional tankers with LPG dual-fuel engines, bringing the company’s commitment to eight vessels with the dual-fuel propulsion technology.

Back in August 2018, BW LPG had announced an initiative to retrofit four LPG dual-fuel engines in its fleet. The retrofitting of the first four dual-fuel engines into VLGCs is taking place as planned this year.
"As the world's largest owner and operator of VLGCs, BW LPG leverages on our scale and deep expertise in maritime shipping to invest in R&D and implement pioneering technology onboard that will push our industry towards decarbonisation - technology that can be implemented on at least 50% of current global VLGC fleet without the need for dedicated newbuilding orders,” said Anders Onarheim, ceo of BW LPG.
The latest options exercise follows the implementation of the IMO 2020 0.5% global fuel sulphur content cap.
BW LPG said the use of LPG dual-fuel engines would reduce sulphur oxide emissions by 97% meaning the vessels would comply with both the global 0.5% sulphur cap and the 0.1% sulphur limits in Emission Control Areas (ECAs). The engines will also cut particulate matter emissions by 90%, greenhouse gases by 25% and nitrogen oxides by 20%.
BW LPG, together with DNV GL, Wartsila Gas Solutions and MAN ES, have subjected the prototype to tests successfully, with performance exceeding expectations.
BW LPG expects that when retrofitting is complete, it will reap benefits across many fronts such as fuel cost and voyage efficiencies, as well as reducing air emissions.
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