A safe and sustainable event environment

At TOC Worldwide, we know sustainability is increasingly important to our attendees and exhibitors, as well as to our market as a whole.

Running an event with an international audience gives us a lot of opportunities to improve our impacts environmentally, socially, and economically in our host cities. This is why we are committed to organising more ecologically, environmentally, and socially sustainable events. 

Our dedication extends to a range of various initiatives, such as implementing greener and gender-diverse content in our conferences, promoting our Better Stands initiative which aims to reduce waste by 80%, to decrease onsite waste by 95% through reducing food waste, and the substitution of printed event guides for digital versions. Additionally, we also encourage the recycling and reuse of badges and lanyards.

To achieve a significant reduction of our events’ carbon footprint, we collaborate closely with venues and suppliers who are capable of neutralising some of the energy used. The Rotterdam Ahoy, our TOC Europe venue, exemplifies sustainability efforts with energy-efficient LED lighting, solar panels on its roof, and reliance on wind energy, ensuring a 100% sustainable energy supply. Additionally, the venue also counts with a climate control system using circular processes to recover heat, along with a moss sedum roof that reduces CO2 emissions and enhances insulation, thereby reducing the need for heating and cooling.

We also acknowledge the environmental impact of “singleuse” stands. Therefore, we have introduced our Better Stands initiative, transitioning from disposable stands to reusable or recyclable structures made with sustainable materials at our events.

If you would like to find out more information, we have created a ‘Better Stands’ page on our website why lays out to exhibitors how this initiative minimises environmental impacts whilst providing a more cost-effective and time-efficient solution – To view the page visit www.tocevents-europe.com/en/exhibit-sponsor/ better-stands.html

One of our primary objectives is to connect the disconnected at our events. At TOC Europe, our flagship event, we prioritise accessibility by providing ondemand content post-event and by making use of new communication platforms that allows us to video link speakers who cannot participate in person to our sessions, amongst various other initiatives.

To eliminate onsite waste, we are determined to digitalise our conference documents and event guides online and on our event app. By limiting the number of printables we have on-site, we ensure that all show-related materials and media magazines are used, and any leftovers are taken back or recycled responsibly in bins placed around the event area which are divided into plastic/ cardboard/paper. To make the recycling circle easier, we always print on FSC-approved paper.

Once again, TOC Europe’s lanyards are sponsored by Kuenz. Many of these are reused from 2023 and there will be bins at the exit of the event for attendees to leave them and be reused or recycled. We are always conscious of encouraging diversity and inclusion at our TOC events by ensuring all sessions reflect an equal balance of female and male representatives, as well as professionals from diverse backgrounds, and hosting agediverse panels to enrich our discussions. Lastly, at all our TOC events, we use our code of conduct to guarantee a positive experience for all attendees. This is prominently displayed at our events, and also featured on our website and communicated through on-site signage. For more information about sustainability at TOC Europe, visit www.tocevents-europe.com/en/attend/ sustainability  

TOC Europe, the AGM for Port & Cargo Supply Chain Professionals, takes place 11 – 13 June 2024, Rotterdam Ahoy, Netherlands

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