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DHT formalises joint ceo arrangement

DHT formalises joint ceo arrangement
Growing US-listed VLCC outfit DHT Holdings have appointed Svein Harfjeld and Trygve Munthe as co-ceos.

The former president and former ceo become co-ceos in the move, reflecting their position as a "team of equals". Munthe moves from his previous position as president and Harfjeld gains a prefix for his previous title of ceo. The two held their previous positions since joining DHT in 2010.

Chairman of the board Erik Lind commented: "Svein and Trygve have since they joined the company in 2010 for all practical purposes functioned as a management team of equals.

"Their formal appointment today as co-ceo's with shared responsibility to run and develop the business of the company is thus a reflection of how effective they have been in managing the company in this manner and it will not impact other areas of DHT's management structure"