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KfW IPEX-Bank reorganises for sustainability focus

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Project and export finance bank KfW IPEX-Bank is reorganising its structure to support sustainability and economic transition.

The bank is “pooling” expertise from its current seven-sector structure – Financial Institutions, Trade and Commodity Finance; Industries and Services; Infrastructure; Resources and Recycling, Maritime Industries; Power and Environment; and Aviation, Mobility and Transport into four new business sectors – Energy, Mobility, Infrastructure, Industry & Commerce.

Carsten Wiebers will head up the new Mobility segment, which will cover the maritime industry, aviation and climate-friendly mobility & transport.

Ports will be covered by the infrastructure segment along with digital infrastructure, grid-based energy infrastructure, airports, and construction. Aida Welker will lead the sector.

The energy sector will be headed by Peter Purkl and cover wind power, solar energy, hydrogen, and water and waste management.

Industry & commerce will cover metal and mining, commodity trading, financial institutions, the automotive industry and retail, headed by Wolfgang Behler.

“We will increasingly take sustainability aspects into account in our financing offers in terms of Paris compatibility,” said Klaus R. Michalak, CEO of KfW IPEX-Bank. “It is particularly important to all the members of the Management Board and my designated successor Belgin Rudack that this goes hand in hand with the transformation our customers are going through, which we closely accompany and support in order to contribute to the long-term goal of a climate-neutral economy and society.”

Rudack became a member of KfW IPEX-Bank’s on January 1 2023 and will take over as CEO on Michalak’s retirement on March 31, 2023.