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China works to contain Yangtze River spills

China works to contain Yangtze River spills

Beijing: Chinese authorities continue to struggle to contain the damage at the mouth of the Yangtze River following the oil spill on Sunday from Iranian freighter Zoorik, which was caught up in unfavourable weather conditions and pushed on to rocks by strong waves. Although all 37 people on board were rescued, local media have reported a visible oil slick on the water.

Zhoushan City's maritime bureau has confirmed that four vessels had been deployed to the site with around 30 cleaners onboard. Additional staff are expected to join the clean up in the coming days.

This incident occurred on the same day as another vessel carrying 100 tonnes of hydrochloric acid also sank in the Yangtze River following a collision. Workers are currently in the process of attempting retrieve the cargo and contain the environmental impact.  [03/11/09]