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DGS Marine opens office in Manila

DGS Marine opens office in Manila
P&I management provider DGS Marine is expanding its network with a new office in Manila.

The ninth office in DGS Marine’s global network the Manila office will be headed by Tim Grime, will serve not only the Philippines but also the regional market. DGS Marine is the exclusive manager for the British European and Overseas (BE&O) P&I facility. The company’s other Asian offices are in Vietnam and India.

“The most recent round of P&I renewals saw 35% premium growth for DGS Marine in the Far East, largely driven by the growing appeal of fixed premium insurance for shipowners that require greater certainly and transparency over their insurance costs,” said David Skinner, BE&O P&I group managing director.

“As such, it was the natural choice to strengthen our presence in the region and expand our global network with the opening of our office in Manila.”