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IM Skaugen hit out at Indon authorities over vessel detention

IM Skaugen hit out at Indon authorities over vessel detention
Oslo: IM Skaugen have hit out at the Indonesian authorities over the continued detention of its vessel the Norgas Cathinka involved in a fatal collision with a ferry last September, likening it to a “hostage situation”.

The Norgas Cathinka collided with a 40-year ferry Bahuga Jaya on 26 September 2012 in Indonesia resulting in the loss of seven passengers and one crew member.

IM Skaugen said the data from the voyage data recorder on its vessel showed “it is evident our vessel was not the vessel that caused the collision”.

“The aftermath has also proven to be very challenging due to a far from transparent juridical process in Indonesia and we are still waiting for the ship and its crew to be released,” the company charged. IM Skaugen said it has cost the company $400,000 a month in lost earnings.

“This complex and not very transparent process in Indonesia makes it appear much more like a ‘hostage situation’.”

IM Skaugen further charged that the ferry involved in the collision was “probably unseaworthy and did most probably sink for reasons of fatigue or construction failures”.