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Lloyd's Register sets up new R&D centre in Singapore

Lloyd's Register sets up new R&D centre in Singapore
Singapore: Classification society Lloyd's Register has partnered with a Singapore research institute in setting up a Group Technology Centre (GTC) in Singapore.

The new centre will deliver innovation and solutions to the energy and maritime sectors and establish a laboratory facility to develop applications and solutions in the marine and offshore sectors.

Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) inked the R&D partnership with Lloyd's Register.

“Our investment in the new Lloyd's Register Group Technology Centre in Singapore, coupled with the agreement with A*Star, represents a shared vision to create a long-term centre of excellence for technology, innovation and research that will benefit Singapore, industry and society at large,” said Richard Sadler, ceo of Lloyd's Register.

The capabilities and resources of the new centre will be scaled up over five years and investment in the centre is expected to reach $35m.

Singapore's marine and offshore industry has grown over the last few years, recording an output increase of more than 30% from 2006 to 2011, contributing to 5.8% of Singapore's manufacturing output.

TAGS: Singapore