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PIL joins the World Shipping Council

Photo: Rahita Elias PIL logo at head office in Singapore
Singapore-headquartered Pacific International Lines (PIL) has joined liner industry body the World Shipping Council (WSC).

PIL ranks 12th largest among container lines worldwide and CEO Lars Kastrup will represent the company on WSC’s board.

“We are very pleased to welcome PIL to WSC, and we look forward to their contribution in our Councils and Working groups. As a vessel owner and direct employer of over 2,000 seafarers, PIL will bring important perspectives and insights to our work,” said John Butler, President & CEO of the WSC.

PIL’s Kastrup flagged-up a keenness to work with other companies on decarbonisation. “The long running pandemic, while disruptive, has highlighted the urgency for us to seek viable solutions to combat climate change, and PIL stands ready to step up its support to progress the decarbonisation and other sustainability agendas among our peers,” he said.