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Podcast: Day of the Seafarer - In conversation with Gerardo Borromeo

The Day of the Seafarer on 25 June highlights the critical role that ship's crew play in the industry and the global economy.

Marking the Day of the Seafarer this episode of the Seatrade Maritime Podcast features Gerardo Borromeo, CEO of PTC Group, one of the world's largest crewing providers, who is highly passionate about the importance of the role seafarers play, their well being, and ensuring it is an attractive career for the future.

In conversation with Marcus Hand, Editor of Seatrade Maritime News, Gerardo discusses:

  • The importance of having a day that recognises seafarers and the sacrifices they make
  • The impact of the pandemic and awareness of the importance of seafarers in the wider world
  • Improving the mental wellness of seafarers
  • The role of seafarers in the energy transition
  • How to ensure future seafarers are trained for the technologies that will be used in the future
  • Designing vessels around the seafarers

Hear more about all these issues and much more from one of the world's leading top executives in crewing.

 Listen to the episode now on the player above or the app of you choice

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