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Exmar up in 2013 on LPG sale to Teekay

Exmar up in 2013 on LPG sale to Teekay
Exmar has reported a 2013 operating result of $102.5m, up from $87.1m in 2012.

The sale of half of Exmar LPG to Teekay LNG boosted earnings in the group's LPG segment by $52.8m, giving a total EBIT of $72.4m, compared to $27.5m in 2012.

For Exmar's LNG arm, earnings were down to $26.9m from $30.3m in 2012. The drop is attributable to the LNG carrier Excel going off-hire for 20 days in dry-dock, as well as well as additional maintenance and upgrade costs for the LNG fleet.

Without the one-time gain of $23.9m from the sale of Opti-ex in 2012, 2013's offshore results were $4.8m, down from $29.7m in the previous year.

A front-end engineering study is underway for Exmar's planned LNG bunkering service, a project it has undertaken in alliance with the Port of Antwerp.