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Vroon seals five-ship charter in North Sea

Vroon seals five-ship charter in North Sea
Vroon Offshore Services Aberdeen has secured a five-ship charter and support contract with a major North Sea oil and gas operator.

The firm five-year contract comes with an option for four additional years, the Dutch company announced. Financial details of the deal were not diclosed.

The vessels operating under this contract will consist of a mix of modern, emergency response and rescue and field-support vessels, all currently under construction in Asia, supplemented by the already established VOS Provider.

All the newbuildings will be equipped with a revolutionary, wave-piercing bow shape, exclusively designed for Vroon.

"We have recently opened an office in Great Yarmouth, dedicated to local technical support and crew recruitment for our ships operating in that region. This expansion will create job opportunities for over 100 seafarers," said Evert Maandag, managing director of Vroon.