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Sembmarine crane collapse damages Noble rig newbuild

Sembmarine crane collapse damages Noble rig newbuild
A crane collapse at one of Sembcorp Marine’s (Sembmarine) yards in Singapore damaged a rig under construction for Noble Corp.

Noble said a shipyard crane boom collapsed damaging the rig Noble Lloyd Noble under construction and Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong Shipyard on 28 February.

“Damage appears to be confined to one area of the rig, including damage to one of the rig's cranes. The incident resulted in minor injuries to certain shipyard personnel,” Noble said.

The rig was in its latter stages of construction and expected to be delivered in second quarter this with a charter to Statoil starting in the third quarter. The contract with Statoil stipulates a start date no later than 1 march 2017.

“A thorough rig damage assessment is required before a revised schedule of delivery and contract commencement can be determined,” Noble said.

A spokesman for Sembmarine said: "We believe the damage to be minor and that the rig’s scheduled delivery in the second quarter of 2016 will not be affected."

Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower is investigating the accident and Noble said access to the rig would be limited in the initial phases of the investigation.