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Hallin Marine founder Giddens in new venture with M3 Marine's Meade

Hallin Marine founder Giddens in new venture with M3 Marine's Meade
Hallin Marine founder John Giddens has returned to the offshore industry with a contract build a subsea operations, diving and ROV support vessel in China.

Giddens is collaborating in a new venture Tasik Subsea with Mike Meade from M3 Marine, and the company designed vessel, which has been contracted at Fujian Mawei Shipyard in China.

“We have spent considerable time and effort in the development of this vessel finding innovative ways to deliver maximum technical capabilities,” said Giddens, managing director of Tasik.

The vessel, tentatively named Tasik Toba will have DP3 and have a 300metre rated saturation diving system, hangar facilities for two deepwater ROVs.

Hallin Marine was sold to US-based Superior Energy in 2010 for over GBP100m ($168m).

TAGS: Offshore