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NITC denies Chinese LNG carrier order

NITC denies Chinese LNG carrier order

Tehran: NITC has denied reports in the international media over the weekend that it has ordered six LNG carriers from an undisclosed Chinese shipyard.

The company has taken no decision to build any LNG vessels, and were it to do so it would follow its normal practice of issuing an international tender, officials told SAO.

Is is thought that the incorrect information stemmed from an interview with the Iranian press given by NITC chairman & managing director Mohammad Souri on his return to Tehran after winning the Seatrade Personality of 2010 Award last week. In his acceptance speech Souri spoke of the company's possible entry into the LNG sector with a potential requirement for a large number of vessels (see

An initial order for six vessels at either a Korean yard or a Chinese yard, where prices are somewhat lower, would be a likely first step in such a future scenario, Souri later told Iranian media - a general intention that was misreported as a matter of fact.  [01/06/10]