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Perisai Petroleum barge contract not extended

Perisai Petroleum barge contract not extended
Perisai Petroleum Teknologi said its unit, SJR Marine (L) Ltd received notice that the charter of its derrick lay barge Enterprise 3 to TL Offshore Sdn Bhd would not be further extended.

The Enterprise 3 has been on charter to TL Offshore since 2008. The main charter term ended on 30 June and the vessel's charter was extended for a fixed term from 1 July  to 15 August  and thereafter on a daily charter basis at a rate of $60,000 a day.

The company is considering available options in securing continuing charters of the vessel Perisai said in a stock market announcement.

Meanwhile, Perisai's takeover of the whole stake in the FPSO Perisai Kamelia has also been completed. Ezra associate company EOC completed the stake sale in the vessel previously named FPSO Lewek Arunothai on 21 August. The FPSO has a three-plus-three year contract to work for Hess Exploration and Production Malaysia in the North Malay Basin.