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World's first purpose built LNG bunkering vessel delivered

World's first purpose built LNG bunkering vessel delivered
The world’s first purpose built LNG bunkering vessel the - ENGIE Zeebrugge - has been delivered by Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (HHIC).

Built at HHIC’s Busan yard the LNG bunkering vessel was delivered to ENGIE, Fluxy, NYK and Mitsubishi Corp.

The 5,000 cu m capacity vessel will run LNG on its maiden to Europe after a few days of loading LNG delivered by truck at the shipyard.

The vessel’s homeport will be in Zeebrugge, Belgium and it first customers will be two LNG-powered pure truck car carriers operated by United European Car Carriers.

“The challenge in making LNG grow in the bunker market is to develop sufficient supply infrastructure to support the increasing number of LNG-fueled ships that are expected to come into operation. ENGIE Zeebrugge, in this respect, marks a milestone in the development of the European LNG bunkering chain,” NYK said in a statement.