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New ExxonMobil lube for low sulphur, ultra low sulphur and LNG fuels

ExxonMobil has developed a new addition to its MobilGard cylinder oil range that is specifically formulated for use with both 0.1% and 0.5% sulphur fuels as well as LNG.

The new lube oil, dubbed Mobilgard 540 X, is designed to meet the advanced cleanliness and protection needs of newer engine designs, says ExxonMobil, and is available from June onwards in major ports around the world.

The lubricant is the first cylinder oil to be approved for use with all three low-sulphur and gas fuel types by WinGD, explains Frans Horjus, global marine lubricants sales manager at ExxonMobil.

As such, Mobilgard 540 X “is a first-to-market offering in our industry that allows vessel operators to seamlessly switch between these fuels without compromising on quality or performance,” he says.

TAGS: Americas