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Which European countries are the most expensive to ship to?

A new study reveals that Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are the most expensive to ship to in Europe

The study compared shipping costs from everywhere in the world to all European countries, and then calculated the average to discover which countries are most expensive to ship to.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia share the top spot with an average of €143.74. As the three countries are neighbours in the Caucasus region, the shipping costs are expected to be similar.

In second come Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus by a whisker with an average shipping cost of €143.56. 

Serbia is the sole occupant of the third place with an average of 129.86€, a significant drop from the first two spots.

Further down on the list, there are five different countries in fourth place: Iceland, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. In these countries, the average shipping cost is 129.50€.

The top five closes with Turkey, whose cost differs from the previous spot by 0.01€, as the average shipping is 120.49€. This further underlines the closeness in prices expected from neighbouring countries and the overall high shipping costs to the Caucasus region and the Balkans.
The second part of the top 10 sees Western European countries, as Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are the sixth countries on the list with an average shipping cost of 129.46€.

Gibraltar takes the seventh spot with 129.40€, while Cyprus is eighth with an average shipping cost of 117.42€.

The last two spots are occupied by Andorra and Malta, with an average shipping of 114.16€ and 113.65€, respectively.

A spokesperson for UBuy Switzerland commented on the findings: “It’s interesting to note how most of the countries listed in the top five are situated in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus region. The elevated costs to ship in the region can be attributed to various factors including geopolitical complexities, infrastructure challenges, and customs regulations. 

“The study highlights the importance of understanding the unique shipping dynamics in each of these countries and the need for businesses to factor in these costs when planning their operations in these regions.”

Top 5 European states where is the most expensive to ship to
Rank State Average cost (€)
1 Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia


2 Moldova / Ukraine / Belarus


3 Serbia


4 Iceland / North Macedonia / Bosnia
and Herzegovina / Montenegro / Albania


5 Turkey


6 Liechtenstein / Norway / Switzerland


7 Gibraltar


8 Cyprus


9 Andorra


10 Malta
