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Two fast crewboats delivered by Grandweld

Two fast crewboats delivered by Grandweld
Ship repair and engineering firm Grandweld has delivered two 33.5 m aluminium crew boats – FNSA 1 and FNSA 2 - for Fujairah National Group.

The vessels, to be operated by Inchcape Shipping Services LLC, each have seating capacity for 50 passengers, as well as space for deck cargo and liquid payload, and are powered by three speed diesel engines produce speeds in excess of 25 knots.

FNSA 1 is currently working on a project in Mozambique in the East African coast, while FNSA 2 is currently working in Dubai.

Grandweld’s orderbook currently consists of 25 vessels for worldwide clients, two of which are sister vessels of the FNSA 1 and 2 for Zamil Offshore and Liwa Marine.